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We wish you and yours an Enjoyable Holiday Season filled with JOY and SAFETY. |
This website is for informational purposes for "PREPAREDNESS" and "IMPLEMENTATION" of the Affordable Health Care Act/ACA, October 1, 2013 and JANUARY 1, 2014 from the Neighborhood Perspective; and, ONGOING Reporting of the Affordable Health Care Act .
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
PayPal Drop Down
Thursday, December 5, 2013
2013 Happy Holidays - Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Monday, August 26, 2013
STAYING HEALTHY - Your Health Management Reminder, August 26, 2013
MILWAUKEE | Your Health Management is part of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Concierge regime of monitoring and reporting. Today's Reporting is reminding ALL of the importance of "Self-Management" of health care.
Staying abreast of what is going on in the magnificent infrastructure of your body is keen to health care. Today, we are introducing on this website and www.mpapublicpolicyreview.blogspot.com the resource of MEDICINENET.COM
The focus is ORAL HEALTH.
Visit this site often to find out about your this or your that. Be well and be informed.
Mary Glass - Chair/CEO
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Email: mpapublicpolicyreview@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The YOUTOONS get ready for OBAMACARE - by the Kaiser Foundation
CLICK the photo arrow and be informed. You would be wise to listen to the video more than once; and, yes, SHARE with others.
Monday, July 29, 2013
NEW Day - July 29, 2013 - MPA LLC Reporting - National Governors Association Health Advisory Board
MILWAUKEE | Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC has added the National Governors Association Health Advisory Board to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee (Senator Max Baucus and Senator Orin Hatch) for Code of Conduct "Recommendations" and "Reporting" - transparency, inclusion, education and technology attainment, decision making at the Census Tract and Neighborhood level and ACCOUNTABILITY.
In times of complex navigation of health care implementation, the advisory board was created to bring both a broader and deeper perspective to the existing health care assistance NGA provides to governors. The board comprises prominent experts rich in both political and policy experience.
In times of complex navigation of health care implementation, the advisory board was created to bring both a broader and deeper perspective to the existing health care assistance NGA provides to governors. The board comprises prominent experts rich in both political and policy experience.
“States are at the center of major changes to their health care marketplaces,” said NGA Executive Director Dan Crippen. “The members of this board will provide expert counsel on NGA’s health agenda and various other topics over the coming years as we continue to serve the nation’s governors.”
Members of the board include:
- Joe Anderson, former CEO, Schaller-Anderson
- John Breaux, former U.S. senator from Louisiana
- Jim Douglas, former governor of Vermont
- Patricia Gabow, former CEO, Denver Health
- George Halvorson, chairman, Kaiser Permanente
- Carmen Odom, president, Milbank Memorial Fund
- Peggy O’Kane, president, National Committee for Quality Assurance
- Mark Smith, M.D., CEO, California Healthcare Foundation
- Olympia Snowe, former U.S. senator from Maine
- Stephen Somers, president, Center for Health Care Strategies
Members of the board serve two year terms. The board previously met following the NGA Winter Meeting. It will meet again in August.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
President Obama Explains Healthcare.gov
President Obama Explains Healthcare.gov
It is a great advertisement tool. Take a look, LISTEN and Do.
Be Well.
Busy Beaver - MPA LLC Mascot
July 18, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
LEVELS OF INVESTMENT in 2013 Affordable Health Care - August 2-4, 2013
The event is a 27 hours WALK-THRU Tent experience on the manicured 11.6 acres of James Beckum Park. Halyard Park is a "family-friendly" neighborhood that is a composite of the health care beneficiary population in Milwaukee - residential and commercial consumers, youngsters, adults, seniors, unemployed, under-employed, insured, under and non-insured individuals, retirees, middle class, low- and no-income.
Halyard is the center point for Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC efforts for Preparedness of the Medicare Advantage. It is one of seven (7) neighborhoods of approximately 43,000 Milwaukeeans.
Place: James Beckum Park, 900 W. Brown Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212
Dates: August 2-4, 2013
Time: Friday/Saturday, 10:00am - 8:00pm
Time: Sunday, 10:00am -5:00pm
Exhibitors/Vendors share products and services for the Affordable Health Care Insurance Plan.
Invited: Health Care Providers, Health Care Practitioners, Health Care Suppliers, Pharmaceutical, insurance, real estate, legal, schools (vocational and higher ed) and Food vendors.
Space is on the ground of the Beckum Park and at Curb side.
Health Care vehicles and Food Trucks welcome.
It is an ALL HANDS ON DECK, WE CAN Initiative.
- FREE to the public
- Exhibitor/Vendor
- $300.00 - Event Partner and Member
- $500.00 - Small Business Chamber & Neighborhood Business
- $1,000 - Academic and Medical schools
- $1,500 - Corporate Health Care Organizations (CLICK)
- Sponsorship - $15,000, $10,000, $7,500, $5,000
- $15,000 and $10,000 Sponsors - July, 2013 thru December 31, 2013 Partner
- Host events w/Commercial and Residential consumers
- Member - Milwaukee Medical Advantage Work group (CLICK)
Theme: What's Promised? What's Delivered? What's Understood? What is Cost?
Place: Big Eazy Catering and Conference Center, 2053 N. MLKing Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53212
Dates: August 2-4, 2013
Time: Friday/Saturday, 8:30am - 7:00pm
Time: Sunday, 10:00am 3:00pm
Invited: Health Care Providers, Health Care Practitioners, Health Care Suppliers, Pharmaceutical, insurance, real estate, legal and schools (vocational and higher ed).
Key Topics: Small Business Groups, Urban Population Health, Chronic Illness, Electronic Reporting, Personal Health Management, Premium, Young Adults and Pre-existing
Alphabet Soup - HMO, PPO, POS & FFS
a. Health Care Providers and Health Care Practitioners
b. Suppliers and GPOs
Alphabet Soup – Insurance
Alphabet Soup – Academic & Placement (training and Recruitment)
$500.00 - Industry professionals
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PAYPAL online payment - Home page ============================= |
Friday, June 21, 2013
Why You Should Attend:
INFRASTRUCTURAL - Learn from industry stakeholders and policy makers
Affordable Health Care 101
What’s promised? What’s offered? What’s the Cost?
Alphabet Soup 1 – HHS, IRS, DOL
a. Implementation, Oversight and Support
b. Small Business 1-50, CENSUS TRACT & Neighborhood-based
c. Small Business 1-10, CENSUS TRACT & Neighbor
Alphabet Soup 2 - HMO, PPO, POS & FFS
a. Health Care Providers and Health Care Practitioners
b. Suppliers and GPOs
Alphabet Soup 3 – Insurance Companies
a. Explanation of the “APPLICATION”
b. Business Navigators and Business Call Centers
c. Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OP)
Alphabet Soup 4 – Academic & Placement (training and Recruitment)
EXHIBITS & MEET-the-American Customer/Taxpayer/Beneficiaries
FAE – WI Federally Assisted Exchange - What does that mean to
URBAN Milwaukee?
o Implementation – Oversight – Support/NAVIGATORS
Alphabet Soup 4 – Academic & Placement (training and Recruitment)
EXHIBITS & MEET-the-American Customer/Taxpayer/Beneficiaries
FAE – WI Federally Assisted Exchange - What does that mean to
URBAN Milwaukee?
o Implementation – Oversight – Support/NAVIGATORS
o Defining Markets
ACA Shopping Cart – Individual,special group, Co-op and small group
Medicare Expansion, Dual Eligible, CHIP and Long-Term Care
ACA Shopping Cart – Individual,special group, Co-op and small group
Medicare Expansion, Dual Eligible, CHIP and Long-Term Care
• INFRASTRUCTURAL Building - Learn from Census Tract &
Conferences and Public
Conferences and Public
Create real time networking and networks with decision makers on all sides and support All Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative for TRUST and success.
Create real time networking and networks with decision makers on all sides and support All Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative for TRUST and success.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC
Email@: mpapublicpolicyreview@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
GEARING UP with OUTREACH to Health Care Beneficiaries - FAIR
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CLICK photo to ENLARGE |
June 11, 2013
MILWAUKEE - (MPA-PPR), Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is
implementing quality control more and more in providing the 2013
Affordable Health Care Extravaganza FAIR and SUMMIT. At the top of the
list is PREPAREDNESS for IMPLEMENTATION of the Affordable Health Care
law at the census tract and neighborhood level - October 1, 2013 and
January 1, 2013.
The residential
and commercial area of the OUTSIDE Tent FAIR is being held in an URBAN
neighborhood that has family and affordable care homes for those who are
Milwaukeeans employed, un-employed, under-employed, freelance,
professional, retired, disabled, vetted businesses, middle class,
poverty level, dual eligible, have chronic illnesses, uninsured,
under-insured and insured beneficiaries.
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CLICK the photo to Enlarge |
The Affordable Health Care Act seeks health care for all with improvements in "population" health care with cost containment. The focus is also on "patient-centered" care.
MORE OF article
Sunday, June 2, 2013
June 2, 2013
CLICK Slideshow
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is releasing its first AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE "Slideshow" as part of its 3 year anniversary, Monday, June 3, 2013, of ALL HANDS on Deck, WE Can Initiative. This first Slideshow provides a photo story for your review of strategies and decision making strategies going forward, especially the next 1-3-year partnerships with international, national, regional, state,and local participants for URBAN Population Health Care.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Essential Health Benefits: Are We Ready in Wisconsin - Milwaukee?
ALL Hands on Deck, WE CAN Action Plan for Preparedness
May 28, 2013
MILWAUKEE -- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), insurance plans offered THROUGH the Federally-Assisted Exchanges is ran on behalf of the state and is that "state's exchange". The Federally-Assisted Exchange is the default if a state fails to select either a "State Exchange" (state-ran) or Partnership Exchange" (state and federally ran).
Wisconsin is a Federally-Assisted Exchange.
Therefore, Wisconsinites' implementation will be conducted by the federal Housing and Human services department. The insurance plans will call for coverage of the individual and small group markets and the exchange services are required to cover health benefits and services under the "Essential Health Benefits/EHB". The Wisconsin exchange plans must be comprehensive and affordable through "required Benchmarks" by the first quarter of 2012. Since Governor Scott Walker chose to not participate and legislation was not put in place timely, the state of Wisconsin is lacking with mandated benchmarks not as could be. How will individuals, families and businesses know what THE ARRAY of plans should offer? This is a question going forward that is crucial for address.
What will the Essential Health Benefits/EHB include? The EHB plans are:
- Basic Health plan
- Medicaid Expansion
- Catastrophic
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
The EHB plans must include the following 10 categories. They are:
- Ambulatory Patient Services
- Emergency Services
- Hospitalization
- Maternity and Newborn
- Mental Health and substance use disorder services; including behavioral health treatment
- Prescription Drugs
- Rehabilitative and Habilitative services and devices
- Laboratory services
- Preventative and Wellness services and Chronic disease management
- Pediatric Services - including oral and vision care
Preparedness - Decision making knowledge for the customer/beneficiaries is a huge challenge but it is durable.
We do not know if the challenge will be less or more for the federal Health and Human service department. We do know, we are at the half way point for 2013 (6 months before FULL implementation) and 4 months from October 1, 2013 - selection of Insurance.
Challenge of Preparedness
Sixty-eight (68) million Americans are expected to enroll in plans subject to Essential Health Benefits/EHB.
The challenge of informing over 5 million Wisconsinites increased with the divisiveness during the Presidential Election and posturing by Governor Walker and others at the level of state legislators.
With this expanded coverage (PPACA) mandated and expected October 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014, our initial findings of the basic information known about the PPACA by our state senators and state representatives is just too lacking to feel that Wisconsin, especially urban populations such as Milwaukee and rural way is out of the cross-hairs of HARM'S way.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC has taken the slogan: Premier "For-profit" Affordable Health Care LLC supporter with an Action plan initiative.
The Action Plan initiative is called: All Hands on Deck, WE CAN.
On August 2-4, 2013, in the city of Milwaukee, MPA LLC will host the 2013 Affordable Health Care Extravaganza Inside Summit and Outside Fair.
Stay tuned June 1, 2013.
Stay tuned June 1, 2013.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Health Care Delivery is an ALL HANDS on DECK, WE CAN Opportunity - Access and Engagement Reform is key
May 27, 2013
WISCONSIN - Wisconsin is a Federally-Assisted Exchange state due to a by-design scheme that was centered around the expected Republican win of the presidency of the United States. Just as that thought failed so miserably, Wisconsinites/Milwaukeeans are now left with some consequences that lack benchmark basics mandated by the Affordable Health Care law. They were intentionally left-out by Governor Scott Walker, Insurance Commissioner Ted Nickle, and Health and Human Secretary Dennis Smith.
Wisconsinites must remember how these three (3) elected and appointed individuals for the state government failed to provide due process, honor Oath of Office for political reasons; and, have not addressed the health care variables and how it will short- and long-term create barriers.
URBAN Health Care
Reform that include "patient-centered" health care that improves health require all to be communicating and strategic planning on the same ideas and agreeing on the same policies. That includes customer/patient, health providers, health practitioners, insurance carriers, pharmaceutical companies, others supporters for service delivery and Medicare/Medicaid.
An innovative and value-way to help ensure long-term cost-containment through IMPROVED HEALTH CARE is a major key.
Chronic Population health care must look first-continuum-last, what is best for the customer-beneficiaries with cost-cutting but not simply financial versus clinical (do not shift cost to the federal budgeting to avoid due diligence to work through the process with the entire population with education, technology and patient-behavior involvement at the census tract-neighborhood level).
One of the opportunities is in the Virtual PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Memorandum of Understanding project in Wisconsin.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is looking at Wisconsin state government - legislators, Joint Committee on Finance and WI Health and Human Services Department - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding A Federal-State Partnership to Test a Capitated Integration Model for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees (Demonstration to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries).
Briefings at the 2013 Affordable Health Care Extravaganza, August 2-4, 2013 in Milwaukee will include Dual Eligible beneficiaries and the MOU/Memorandum of Understanding with CMS/Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The event is a "WOW" EVENT with an INSIDE Strategic Summit and an OUTSIDE Fair for show and tell vendor show of health providers, health practitioners, health academic sites, health pharmaceutical organizations and health insurances.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
MPA LLC AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE seeks to empower the PEOPLE so that they are accepting their role and responsibility in providing GOOD-BEST health care for themselves. Creating a Neighborhood-Census tract blueprint with a DEFINED Index unique to URBAN Milwaukee POPULATION Health Care. It is an ALL HANDS on DECK, WE CAN Initiative.
It is the STAKEHOLDER'S job to:
VIDEO: Oversold Cancer Screening
It is the STAKEHOLDER'S job to:
- Know your health compass and barometer for ACCESS to health care.
- Know what is in the marketplace to help you navigate the competitive field of health care providers, practitioners and insurers.
- Know your legislators like your primary doctor.
- Know what type of Health Care Exchange your state has. Wisconsin is Federally-Assisted.
- Know your Health Care Plan - adequacy and affordability.
- Provide ACCESS.
- Provide Evidence-based benefits.
- Provide POPULATION health care.
- Provide health care that is affordable.
- Provide Quality and Competitive health care.
- Provide "education and technology" attainment.
- Provide Transparency and Best Practice for Cost Containment.
VIDEO: Oversold Cancer Screening
Oversold cancer screenings
Screenings for several cancers,
including prostate, ovarian and lung cancer, are overused. For many people the
risks outweigh the benefits. However pap smears, mammograms and colon cancer
screening are worth it for people in certain age groups.
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HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES Incomplete list Click to Enlarge photo |
Monday, May 20, 2013
Meet National Community Pharmacists Association - NCPA
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Pharmacist - The Medicine Shoppe - Lewiston, ME |
MILWAUKEE - (MPA LLC) - We must REACH-OUT daily and find those with similar engagement and like-mind. Today, we recognize the National Community Pharmacists Association/NCPA for their independent community focus.
- We are dedicated to the continuing growth and prosperity of independent community pharmacy in the United States.
- We are the national pharmacy association representing the professional and proprietary interests of independent community pharmacists and will vigorously promote and defend those interests.
- We are committed to high-quality pharmacist care and to restoring, maintaining, and promoting the health and well-being of the public we serve.
- We believe in the inherent virtues of the American free enterprise system and will do all we can to ensure the ability of independent community pharmacists to compete in a free and fair marketplace.
- We value the right to petition the appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies to serve the needs of those we represent.
- We will utilize our resources to achieve these ends in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
Although many states are considering
shifting their Medicaid populations into managed care, NCPA cautions
that such a dramatic shift is not necessarily a "cure-all" and that in
some cases, could result in reduced beneficiary access to services and
disruptions in care.
- Profile Medicaid Managed Care/Kaiser Family Foundation 2010
- Fact Sheet Re: Lewin's Medicaid Pharmacy Managed Care
- Florida Medicaid waiver
- Modernizing Louisiana's Medicaid Pharmacy Program
MEET THE SOLO HEALTH STATION - A convenient tool for information sharing and self-management of Health
May 20, 2013
Tools for Monitoring health is a series for sharing information.
Today, we are highlighting SOLO HEALTH - their IT/Information Technology kiosk for monitoring the vision, blood pressure and weight. You can get the results instantaneously after brief test or through email or text.
CLICK below.
Take a look and listen.
Tools for Monitoring health is a series for sharing information.
Today, we are highlighting SOLO HEALTH - their IT/Information Technology kiosk for monitoring the vision, blood pressure and weight. You can get the results instantaneously after brief test or through email or text.
CLICK below.
Take a look and listen.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Using all AGE GROUPS to advance the Whole
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Using all AGE GROUPS to advance the whole |
With the advent of implementation of the Affordable Health Care, beginning October 1, 2013, being prepared is optimal for successful use by Milwaukeeans.
The population of Milwaukee is over a half-million with a distribution breakdown (2010 Census) of:
- 30% - 25 to 44 years
- 29% - Under 18 years
- 18% - 45 to 64 years
- 12% - 18 to 24 years
- 11% - 65 or older
Given some pre-requisites in the marketplace, i.e., African American and other People of Color have high chronic health concerns; a benchmark and our REAL INCENTIVE, to ensure that All Hands on Deck, WE CAN will be introduced and vigorously pursued to get each person old enough to hear, talk and reason, to help his/her health. That means for the next 3-5 years (during the embryonic stage of Affordable Health Care implementation), individuals are tied to a population score card. The public will be saturated with information on chronic illnesses common to Milwaukee - how they affect quality of life - morbidity and mortality, how they uptick cost, and how best to treat them.
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Today's TECHNOLOGY - Smart Phones and Health Coaching |
Social Networking, Apps use, Apps development, implementation of technology throughout the 97 square miles of Milwaukee is critical. Having access to the internet is crucial to Milwaukeeans becoming health-wise and daily engaged in state-of-the-art use of Smart Phones, various health Apps, imaging Apps, computers - desktop, laptop, tablet, regular use of electronic health records, electronic health reporting and capacity alerts.
Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, said, "The high value of intervention and prevention should be everybody's goal. It starts with 'in-the-womb' care-giving."
Academic and Practicum Training
Training of Milwaukeeans is the priority for framing a culture that will help garner the unified push for necessary health care of over a half-million people.
We constantly hear about the shortage of individuals, health practitioners, to address the present and growing concerns of professional health care. Glass said, "We see this as a huge opportunity for the recruitment, enrollment, internship, fellowship, scholarship, apprenticeship and Case Learning of the many who are looking for careers, looking to service the population and looking to make the economic landscape more sustainable."
"We seek national and international health providers, pharmaceuticals, health practitioners and insurance carriers to join us in this historic URBAN model".
FYI READ & FEEDBACK - Patient-Centered Medical Homes: Where We Are and What We Know
Melinda Abrams
The Commonwealth Fund
Alliance for Health Reform Briefing
May 3, 2013
Melinda K. Abrams, vice president at The Commonwealth Fund, directs the Patient-Centered Coordinated Care program. Since coming to the Fund in 1997, Ms. Abrams has worked on the Fund's Task Force on Academic Health Centers, Commission on Women's Health, and most recently, the Child Development and Preventive Care programs. She played a lead role in conceptualizing and launching the Fund's Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) initiative, which awarded grants to state Medicaid programs to encourage innovation in the financing and delivery of preventive and developmental services provided to low-income, young children. Ms. Abrams sits on a number of national committees, including the Board of Managers of TransforMED, the PCMH Advisory Committee for the National Committee for Quality Assurance, and two Medical Home Expert Panels for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In addition, she is a peer-reviewer for the Annals of Family Medicine. Ms. Abrams holds a B.A. in history from Cornell University and an M.S. in health policy and management from the Harvard School of Public Health
For your information and PARTICIPATION in our Survey, we have added a RECENT briefing given by Melinda Abrams, The Commonwealth Fund.
There are 7 pages.
CLICK "Patient-Centered Medical Homes: Where We are and What We Know"
The Commonwealth Fund
Alliance for Health Reform Briefing
May 3, 2013
Melinda K. Abrams, vice president at The Commonwealth Fund, directs the Patient-Centered Coordinated Care program. Since coming to the Fund in 1997, Ms. Abrams has worked on the Fund's Task Force on Academic Health Centers, Commission on Women's Health, and most recently, the Child Development and Preventive Care programs. She played a lead role in conceptualizing and launching the Fund's Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) initiative, which awarded grants to state Medicaid programs to encourage innovation in the financing and delivery of preventive and developmental services provided to low-income, young children. Ms. Abrams sits on a number of national committees, including the Board of Managers of TransforMED, the PCMH Advisory Committee for the National Committee for Quality Assurance, and two Medical Home Expert Panels for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In addition, she is a peer-reviewer for the Annals of Family Medicine. Ms. Abrams holds a B.A. in history from Cornell University and an M.S. in health policy and management from the Harvard School of Public Health
For your information and PARTICIPATION in our Survey, we have added a RECENT briefing given by Melinda Abrams, The Commonwealth Fund.
There are 7 pages.
CLICK "Patient-Centered Medical Homes: Where We are and What We Know"
We would like to hear what you think about the information shared in this briefing about "Home Medical services". To comment, CLICK
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
BACK STORY READ - Accountable Care Organizations: The End of Innovation in Medicine?
February 16, 2011
No. 3, February 2011
The Obama administration is pinning its hopes for controlling Medicare
costs on accountable care organizations (ACOs)--a system in which groups of
doctors are given responsibility for a large population of patients, with a
share of the doctors' reimbursement dependent on their ability to reduce
spending and improve clinical outcomes. The Department of Health and Human Services is expected to release regulations governing the framework for ACOs by the end of February. ACOs are supposed to offer incentives for doctors to improve the coordination of care. While this idea is not inherently wrong, the Obama team relies heavily on hospitals to develop these new organizations. Yet historically, most of the significant innovation in health care delivery has developed in for-profit companies, often started by entrepreneurs, and has aimed to move patient care away from costly hospital settings and into less expensive outpatient settings. But entrepreneurs are now exiting the health care services space because the Obama plan tilts the marketplace so heavily against their endeavors. The Obama team is forced to rely on hospitals as much by default as by design, but many hospitals are unlikely to succeed at running ACOs.
BACK STORY READ is to allow YOU an opportunity to review some background information about the creation/design of the Affordable Health Care process. We will utilize processes shared for the Sponsor Partner design 2013-2016.
Key points in Outlook:
Health Care Law Reform - NEIGHBORHOOD and CENSUS TRACT Businesses
MILWAUKEE (MPA-ACA) -- Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is hosting the 2013 Affordable Health Care Extravaganza, August 2-4, 2013.
The special event will focus on INFRASTRUCTURE at the Neighborhood and Census Tract level.
In fact, the national and International partners and invitees are asked
to partner for 3-5 years for stabilization and serious investment in
the infrastructure of URBAN Milwaukee model for short- and long-term
care with a goal for market share that provide improved health and cost
containment for all.
A specific focus on
Neighborhood/Census Tract small businesses - hidden talent and vetted
businesses will cover employer-participation with 1-50 employees.
Wisconsin is a Federally-Assisted Exchange state.
Creating Options
We will address avenues that promote small businesses 1-50 to participant in:
- affordable insurance in the marketplace
- tax credits
- shared responsibility
- bundling
To hear a video on Health Care and Business on C-Span, go to
SIGN-UP Mailing list - Affordable Health Care Extravaganza Fair, August 2-4, 2013.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sarah Kliff - Health Reporter - Washington Post
SARAH KLIFF covers health policy for the Washington Post. Sarah joined the
Post in August 2011 from Politico, where she authored Politico Pulse, a daily
health policy tipsheet. Prior to Politico, Sarah was a staff writer at Newsweek
covering national politics. Her writing has appeared in National Geographic, the
BBC, Humanities Magazine and St. Louis Magazine. She is the recipient of
fellowships from the Kaiser Family Foundation and University of Southern
California Annenberg School of Journalism.
We will feature of ten articles of Sarah on Health Care.
There’s pretty widespread acknowledgement that, under Obamacare, many in the
individual market will see premiums go up. Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius has acknowledged this, as have other top
This is what happens when insurance plans are required to cover Americans with potentially costly, pre-existing conditions: More sick people, who require additional care, gain coverage. While some will see their premiums decrease (older Americans, for example, due to limits on age rating), states are already seeing significant premium increases.
That’s the case in most of the country — but not in New York State. There, the state is actually expecting some big changes likely to lower health premiums, according to a new analysis prepared for the New York Health Benefits Exchange.
We will feature of ten articles of Sarah on Health Care.
Obamacare could lower premiums in New York, new study finds
Posted by Sarah Kliff on May 6, 2013 at 9:12 am
This is what happens when insurance plans are required to cover Americans with potentially costly, pre-existing conditions: More sick people, who require additional care, gain coverage. While some will see their premiums decrease (older Americans, for example, due to limits on age rating), states are already seeing significant premium increases.
That’s the case in most of the country — but not in New York State. There, the state is actually expecting some big changes likely to lower health premiums, according to a new analysis prepared for the New York Health Benefits Exchange.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
5 Chronic Conditions driving up Health Care in Medicare Cost
Chronic conditions are drivers in Medicare cost within the Urban Population of Milwaukee. Our #1 focus is Obesity and its high morbidity. Diabetes and kidney disease/dialysis is a byproduct of Obesity.
According to: Kenneth E. Thorpe, Ph.D., Robert W. Woodruff Professor and
Chair of the Department of Health Policy & Management, Rollins School of
Public Health, Emory University the following are the top 5 drivers of health care cost. They account for a third of the growth in cost for Medicare. They are:
(8 percent of growth)
(7 percent)
disease (6%)
disorders (5%)
Additionally, doubling of obesity since 1987 accounts for 7 to 10% of the rise in health care spending (varies by time period). CBO/Congressional Budget Office estimates 8%.
We see ongoing education/training in the 5 areas of disease in Personal Health
Management is one of major keys to better health, better health management,
better health cost and overall better health care. The area of Morbidity can affect
Mortality and health care cost.
better health cost and overall better health care. The area of Morbidity can affect
Mortality and health care cost.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A Diversity of Commitments through the ALL Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative
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MILWAUKEE - (MPA-AHC) August 2-4, 2013 will be an exciting time and an historic time for Affordable Health Care in the City of Milwaukee. Our GOAL is to share information for preparedness for beneficiaries regarding the upcoming October 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014 "full implementation" of the Affordable Health Care Law. We recognize and provide options for Online and Offline stakeholders.
ALL Hands on Deck, WE CAN Initiative is the Signature Plan for Action efforts of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC. Click.
The Extravaganza Fair has two parts, they are:
- INSIDE - seminars, key speakers - health care practitioners-providers-pharmaceutical-insurers and professionals with knowledge of health care and the Affordable Health Care Law.
- Briefings and Strategic planning for Urban Population Health Care.
- Financial Investment and Cost Containment
- IT/Information Technology, Smart Phones and You
- Entrepreneurial and Employment
- OUTSIDE - vendor booths for demonstrations, employment, exhibits, food and beverage.
- Music and other entertainment.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is a premier for-profit firm that supports the Affordable Health Care Act. It and its affiliate agents do not represent Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or any government entity.
Monday, April 22, 2013
SATURDAY, April 20, 2013
Reps. Jon Richards, Sandy Pasch, LaTonya Johnson, Mandela Barnes, Evan Goyke, Christine Sinicki, JoCasta Zamarripa & Leon Young
Sens. Chris Larson, Nikiya Harris, Tim Carpenter & Bob Wirch
Place: Milwaukee Public School Administration Auditorium
5225 W. Vilet Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Mary Glass - Chair/CEO
My name is Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC, POB 510602, Milwaukee, WI 53203.
Greetings and thank you to our host legislators of the Milwaukee Delegation for today’s Public Hearing on the 2013-2015 Biennial Budget!
We especially thank Representative Jon Richards, 19th District – member of the Milwaukee Delegation and Joint Finance Committee, for Chairing today’s public hearing; and, Senator Bob Wirch from the 22nd District, also a member of the Joint Finance Committee for honoring your Oath of Office.
I am here to speak and inform on behalf of the over half-million Milwaukeeans that are in need of budget funding that takes a “POPULATION” approach for funding and reform for the Greater Good.
Our support today is 150% behind budgeted items that will help prepare our state for a more seamless preparedness for the Affordable Health Care law that is scheduled for “full implementation” on January 1, 2014.
We think Health Care should be a NO. 1 priority for the 2013-2015 state budget since it is during the time of the full implementation and it will impact ALL Wisconsinites – like it or not. The other reasons are basic to survival and leadership.
Right now, Health Care is the largest budget item of the state.
Research and statistics continue to share the impact of “population” valuing – demographics, gender and age groups – chronic diseases, use of technology, self-sufficiency, global competitiveness and growing cost.
My points speaks to valuing and prioritizing our infrastructure focus for channel development, economic pipelines and pathway development that is offline and online for now and long-term sustainability at the neighborhood level for growing for-profit, non-profit organizations and public institutions.
We must empower our top two (2) revenue streams to the Wisconsin state budget.
They are: General Purpose Revenue (42-50%) and
Federal funding (28%). Our investment of funds must seek health care, education,
technology and information preparedness to support a return on investment for
the citizenry. The GPR is 42% and Federal Funding 28% - according to the WI
Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s 2009-11 Budget Summary Information. The GPR cannot
improve if it does not receive donated tax funds from the citizenry. The
citizens cannot donate/pay if they do not have the funds due to high un- and
under-employment, lack of business development, lack of financial investment in
business development at the Urban neighborhood level where poverty is so
The Federal funding is severely hampered if there are not giant returns when it provides a “funding stimulus”. We are defeating our efforts when we choose to take the funding available and use it to duplicate services and/or create services that are not vetted by the population it says it will serve, it is not household and neighborhood-driven; and, is not neighborhood accountable.
In fact, one of Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Action groups, MPA LLC CONSUMER PROTECTION COUNCIL, is laying the foundation for a privately-operated Watch Group to help monitor and enforce preparedness of the consumer, active and responsible use of our General Purpose funds and federal funds; and, enforcement of our laws that are tied to regulatory concerns for self-sustainability. Special attention is given to Health Care and all levels of fraud – in and outside of government, private and non-profit.
We support the idealism recently shared by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in his April 12, 2013, 8th Biennial speech, that promotes "Resilience and Rebuilding for Low-Income Communities: Research to Inform Policy and Practice". To hear and see Speech: CLICK
Yes. Funding is the oil that greases the operations of our state government and its connected neighborhoods – most if not all, of which are experiencing some type of economic deficit due to a lack of revenue, high un- and under-employment, lack of critical mass of business development and sustainability at the neighborhood level, financial wherewithal for housing, safety, health care, judicial reform and education. Too often we are so caught up in the competitiveness of the fight and greed, we do more harm than good. The 2013-2015 biennial budget for Wisconsin should be about the Greater Good.
We feel that it is a big mistake for the powerful WI Joint Committee on Finance to pit Wisconsinites against each other (cities, racial groups, income, class, age groups and family structures). To avoid its responsibility in improving the economic forecast of the largest city of the state, Milwaukee, is a violation of the Oath of Office each one took to serve. They must be held accountable with loud voices, media, internet and vote.
The city of Milwaukee brings to the coffers via population $$$BILLIONS each year to help drive up quality of life and economic development – yet it remains in Concentrated Poverty. The problem has been the oversight and management of these dollars for the greater good when it arrives at its destination from the appropriations. So, I say to you legislators here today, it is great to lobby, call for input from the citizenry and call for more funding, we ask that you provide enforcement of the funding with INCLUSION rather than DISCRIMINATION, transparency rather than bureaucracy, best practices rather than oligopoly and monopoly control and accountability for self, fellow legislators, the governor and All you serve.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is a "premier" Affordable Health Care for-profit supporter.
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC is a "premier" Affordable Health Care for-profit supporter.
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